You may have already planted seeds for peas and spinach outdoors, if the soil was workable, and maybe carrots, beets, lettuce, green onions and parsnip seeds.
It also pretty safe to plant chard, kale, endive and kohlrabi seeds.
You also might have already planted asparagus crowns and horseradish crowns or roots. Onion sets or hardened-off onion or leek transplants can also be planted in the garden.
This is also the week to start potatoes.
* I like to use Dave's Garden website for calculating freeze/frost
dates. They predict the following for us here in the Green
Spring/Levels areas:
- Each winter, on average, our risk of frost is from October 12 through May 4.
- Almost certainly, however, we will receive frost from October 25 through April 18.
- We are almost guaranteed that we will not get frost from May 19 through September 29.
- Our frost-free growing season is around 161 days.
Our friends Steve and Ruth at Church View Farm near Three Churches use May 1.