Monday, November 25, 2013

Pilgrim's Pride and Localities Cooperate to Protect the South Branch

from the WV Chesapeake Bay Update:

Pilgrim's Pride, Localities Unite to Build Wastewater Plant
Reprinted from the Bay Journal
written by Rona Cobell on Oct. 23, 2013
The Moorefield wastewater treatment plant became operational in October of this year.

Moorefield, WV, is a small town that faced a problem many small towns encounter: How to pay for a new, expensive wastewater treatment system when residents' wallets are already stretched by high taxes and low salaries.

But the way it solved its problem makes Moorefield unique. The town of 5,000 residents partnered with a company, Pilgrim's Pride, and two other nearby systems, all of which needed to improve their waste treatment.

Together they built a $40 million treatment system that will reduce total nitrogen loads by 90,000 pounds a year and total phosphorus by 93,000 pounds a year. The system will compost much of its own waste and sell the products, as well as reuse some of its water to save money.

The system prepares to go online this month, after 13 long years in the making. West Virginia environmental officials say it is the first enhanced nutrient removal system in the state. Another is likely coming to Martinsburg in the next few years. Many environmental activists say, it's long overdue.

 To read full article and visit the Bay Journal website, 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Water Through the Lens of Faith

Join us for Living Waters: An Interfaith Summit Nov. 19!
Photo by Krista Schlyer, iLCPPhoto by Krista Schlyer/iLCP.
Click Here to Register
Living Waters: An Interfaith Summit: celebrating our environment, community, and faith.

At this Interfaith Summit you will join others from the faith and conservation communities to examine water through the lens of faith.

Throughout the day, people will reconnect with the wonder of water and continue their journey of faith while helping to restore and protect Virginia's rivers, streams, and the Chesapeake Bay. It will be a day of learning and collaborative discussion to develop "next steps" to improve water quality in our communities through the coming year. 

When: Tuesday, November 19, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 

Where: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, Richmond, VA

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Opequon Creek Project Team is Watershed Assn of the Year

This group is supported by our own Alana Hartman of WV DEP.

Watershed Association of the Year
The 2013 Watershed Association of the Year was awarded to Opequon Creek Project Team.  This is a group that is out and about and very busy.  They sponsor Make It Shine stream clean ups that provide improved recreational experience for the local residents who use the creek to canoe, kayak, wade, and fish.

Fun Floats are a part of their community education program to introduce residents to the beauty of the Creek and part of the effort to increase membership. Education Hollis Oak brings extra money and the knowledge of the importance of buffers to stakeholders throughout the watershed during the “Hollis Oak” tree sale.  They also have found value in presentations. At every buffer planting the president, briefs the participants on the value of the creek, the watershed, and organization’s mission. Members also have used the Project WET program to educate the young people attending events.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Eastern Panhandle Regional Farm Gathering

per Steve M.:

You're Invited!
to the... 
Eastern Panhandle
 Regional Farm Gathering

We are excited to extend an invitation to you to take part in the upcoming Eastern Panhandle Regional Farm Gathering, to be held at the South Branch Inn on December 4th, 2013 from 9:00AM - 3:30 PM!   
At this event, you will have a chance to network with peers, meet service providers, and have training opportunities in, marketing, post-harvest handling, getting started with farmers market vending and more! Qualifying WV farmers will also have the opportunity to win a high tunnel package, while qualifying WV farmers markets or farm to school programs will have the opportunity to win a marketing/promotion package courtesy of Change the Future and the WVDE. 
This event is hosted by the WV Farmers Market Association and Change the Future WV with support from the WVDE's Farm-to-School program and in partnership with WVU Extension Services.  The registration deadline is November 25th, and spots are limited, so be sure to respond quickly! 
Workshops Offered:In addition to the group activities we will be doing, we will also offer the opportunity for some training during our break-out sessions.  These