Tuesday, October 30, 2012

River Level Predictions (updated 10/30 10:15am)

NOAA 72 hour, river level predictions are understandably and necessarily conservative.  As an example, our road floods at around eight feet, so I appreciate knowing about the possibilities in advance.  NOAA also publishes the likelihood of specific river levels based on historical modeling, if you want to decide for yourself.

So I'm doing an experiment here.  I'm publishing static images of the gauge prediction (hydrograph) throughout the storm, and then also publishing the automatically updated version of the hydrograph at the bottom of this post.

The Satuday, 10/27 prediction for Tuesday at 7am, copied at 7pm, Saturday, 10/27/2012:

Snapshot Saturday, 10/27/2012, 7pm

Here is another forecast, almost 41 hours later (Monday at 1:15pm) than the one above:

A significantly reduced threat - 10am on Tuesday (10:15am)

The live (automatically updated) image for the same gauge:

Automatically update image.