Tuesday, April 2, 2013

South Branch Cleanup - By Canoe!

The South Branch Watershed Partnership is organizing a canoe-based river cleanup near Green Spring in northern Hampshire County from Blue Ford to Indian Rock fishermen’s access areas (along Arnold Stickley Road) on Saturday, April 6.  This is part of a larger collection of Potomac River cleanups supported by The Alice Ferguson Foundation and Project Clean Stream.  See
http://trashnetwork.fergusonfoundation.org/event/1911/show  for detailed directions.

South Branch Consortium volunteers will provide canoeists who arrive at the Indian Rock Fishermen’s Access before noon with a shuttle to the upstream launch point, so participants only need a single vehicle.  There is no rain date but Partnership volunteers try to be available to help with a shuttle any day someone wanted to do a canoe-based cleanup on this somewhat isolated stretch of the South Branch.  West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection encourages cleanup activities like this throughout the year, because the groups involved are providing a valuable service to our community.  Paddlers, especially, can reach some tough spots where trash accumulates in our otherwise beautiful creeks and rivers.

There are tall cliffs on the northern side of each meander of the South Branch near Indian Rock, so this is among the prettiest stretches of the river; but the flood plains opposite the cliffs also collect significant flood debris from upstream.  We're always a little surprised by some of the things we find after the winter.  One year we found a canoe, and the next year we found a small sailboat, both in fine condition.

To take advantage of the shuttle, arrive at Indian Rock between 9am and noon, or call 304-492-4292 to make special arrangements.  

Weather is expected to be terrific. Kids will certainly enjoy this trip with their parents, but should never be unsupervised.  And everyone should be cautious with extra weight in their canoes, especially while the water is still too cool for swimming.

Cell phone access in this part of the South Branch valley near Green Spring and Levels is very limited, even with a tower in nearby Oldtown, MD.  Sometimes U.S. Cellular customers get phone or data access, and others may get lucky, but don't relying on cell service.

To get to Indian Rock, go through Green Spring and then south along Arnold Stickley Road. The South Branch Consortium will provide gloves and bags to participants, and arrange disposal of collected trash.